Our story

Projects were born, like any child, from a mixture of love and dedication

The Pines appeared and will probably appear in the places that marked our existence.

If The Pines Braşov was about the moment of childhood, curiosity and the first attempts, The Pines Vama Veche appears in a place where I kept coming back, obsessively, for over 20 years.

Seeking a truly peaceful experience


Projects were born, like any child, from a mixture of love and dedication; a fusion of good taste, a selection of items that are placed carefully and carefully in detail. These boutique villas are oases of peace and relaxation in a place and time when everything seems to be done in a hurry. Although similar in concept, each of them is adapted to the places where you will find them, finding inspiration in the surrounding views, whether we are talking about the mountains or the sea. At The Pines you can enjoy the comfort and privacy of your room, but also the opportunity to socialize in common areas depending on the mood of the moment. We can honestly say that we have witnessed the creation of beautiful friendships.

At The Pines Boutique Villa you will experience something different from what you have tried so far. The warmth with which you are received will inspire you from the first steps made the feeling of home away from home. And, isn’t it? Where do we feel better at home !?

Your comfort and well-being are extremely important to us, so we imagined for you what we would like to find in our turn when we visit a place, whether it is a relaxing or business trip. . Therefore, in addition to the comfort of the rooms, you will have the opportunity to serve a rich and varied breakfast that will satisfy even the most demanding tastes.

Our mission is to offer memories and moments to tell over the years to our loved ones through the special locations, the clean design and the dedicated staff.

Press appearances

Zf.ro – “The Pines Bucegi Lodge din Bran este cel de-al treilea membru al familiei The Pines, un proiect care a debutat pe scena locală de turism în 2016, prin deschiderea The Pines Boutique Villa din Brașov, urmată apoi de The Pines Vama Veche.” – citește mai mult la paginile 30-31

Designist.ro  – “The Pines Boutique Villa din Brașov, casa-acasă cu farmec scandinav” – citește mai mult

Dupa afaceri ZF – Planuri de evadare: Cum s-au transformat nişte case vechi într-unele dintre cele mai frumoase pensiuni montane? Galerie FOTO – citește mai mult

Visuell.ro – “The Pines Boutique Villa in Brasov” – citește mai mult  

Sandra Bendre – “Weekend de toamna la The Pines Villa in Brasov” – citește mai mult 

Zf.ro – “Investiţiile care schimbă turismul: Cum arată unele dintre cele mai frumoase proiecte noi de pensiuni din România?” – citește mai mult

Dupa Afaceri ZF – “Au deschis unul dintre cele mai frumoase proiecte din Vama Veche, The Pines, şi merg mai departe cu un concept inedit: Aici experienţa clienţilor este foarte interesantă” – citește mai mult

DesignTherapy.ro – “Casa unde ne-am simțit acasă. 5 motive să-țI faci o vacanță la Brașov” – citește mai mult 

Florina Badea – “Pines Boutique Villa – recomandare de cazare în Brașov” – citește mai mult 

Blog in Tandem – “Top 5 pensiuni din România descoperite în 2017” – citește mai mult 

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